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Pay rent

You can pay your rent in the following ways;


Using a rent card 

You can pay your rent at any post office or any shops displaying PayPoint signs. If you need a rent card please ring our office on 020 8985 1124


By bank Standing Order

Complete this form and send to your bank for processing.


Cheques & postal orders

Cheques or postal orders made payable to ‘Bangla Housing Association’ and send to our office at:


100 Morning Lane
London E9 6LH


Pay Directly into our Unity Trust bank account

Account No: 20494421
Sort Code: 60-83-01

Reference: Please use the first line of your address as a reference





Don’t forget to mention your address with the payment.


If you have any problem with paying your rent then please contact Fatima Begum:


Tel 020 8985 1124 or Email:

Housing Benefit

If you claim Housing Benefit and have received rent and service charge notices, then you must notify the Benefits office immediately. If you delay, then the Housing Benefit office may not backdate any changes and you will be liable for paying any amount not covered by Housing Benefit. If you have any query about your claim for Housing Benefit, then please contact Fatima Begum at our office.

Housing Benefit office contact numbers:
Hackney:                   0208 356 3399

Islington:                    0207 527 4990

Waltham Forest:       0208 496 3000

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